The Splendours of Monteverde

3 Simple Practices to Capture the Peace of Monteverde in Your Daily Life

Written by Colin Sharpe | Aug 9, 2024 11:00:00 AM

Perched in the misty cloud forests of Costa Rica, Monteverde is known as one of the most tranquil, peaceful places in a country known for the concept of pura vida. Monteverde was founded by Quakers from the US who objected to the Vietnam War’s draft, and they found common ground with Costa Rica’s anti-war beliefs. In this way, even the very creation of Monteverde was an act of peaceful protest.

The community that would grow here in the ensuing decades was predicated on protecting not only human peace, but also the natural tranquility of the abundant ecosystems, and the Monteverde we know today still traces its origins back to these principles. 

Today, thousands of travelers venture up into the mountains of Monteverde to experience this tightly-knit, peaceful community immersed in nature for themselves, and here at the Ocotea Boutique Hotel, we often get questions about how to best embrace Monteverde’s natural tranquility. 

Traveling here to experience it for yourself is one easy way, but for those who have not had the chance to visit, or those craving the peace and tranquility of Monteverde in their own life after leaving, we’ve come up with four simple practices inspired by the Monteverde lifestyle to find solace and rejuvenation wherever you are in the world. 



Connect with Nature Every Single Day

In Monteverde, nature is around you wherever you go. We wake up to the songs of the birds, breathe in cool air constantly refreshed by the trees and filled with the scent of fruit, walk along shaded footpaths to work surrounded by nature (even if we’re in our offices!), watch monkeys play in the trees over lunch, enjoy our afternoon cafecito while sheltered from brief aguaceros, watch the sunset over the rolling mountains, and go to sleep to the gentle hum of insects and creatures out in the night. 

That constant connection to nature is an anchor to something beautiful, complex, and much larger than ourselves, and even if you live in the heart of a metropolitan city, finding time to connect with the natural world can bring you a piece of the tranquility of Monteverde wherever you are. 

Stepping out into the back garden, taking lunch in a park, going for a hike, tending to your plants, or even just watching the birds flying overhead — however you choose to do so, connecting with nature every single day provides an incredible benefit to your mental and physical health. 

Leave Space in the Day to Savor Stillness

When you’re traveling in Monteverde, the flow of activities tends to leave plenty of time free to wander, explore, or simply savor moments of stillness. After a morning activity and lunch, you often have a relaxed afternoon. After dinner or an evening hike, there’s time to sit out on your terrace and chat about the day as you wind down for the adventures to come. 

For those people who live here in Monteverde, these times for stillness come at different points during the schedule (usually around lunch, coffee, sunset, and dinner), but they are a constant, grounding point every day. 

So whether you’re finding a spot with a good view to appreciate nature, reading a good book, or enjoying a coffee, one unifying factor for the steady, peaceful way of life in Monteverde is taking that time to turn down the stimulation, and simply savor moments of relaxing stillness.

And you can take this technique with you wherever you are in the world. You don’t have to follow the exact routine of Monteverde locals and travelers, and it can be hard during a frantic work week to carve out long stretches of time to be still. 

But even if you aren’t living every day in the pura vida lifestyle, if you can find small moments of stillness, without stimulation, and truly appreciate those times to anchor yourself, you’ll be enjoying the peace of Monteverde.



Be Present Whenever You Enjoy a Meal

In Monteverde, meals are a time to connect with family and friends. The typical Tico breakfast includes rice, beans, eggs, fresh fruit, juices, and delicious breads, and is shared with family while preparing for the day. 

Then, lunchtime is the opportunity to take a break from work, socialize, blow off steam, and connect with coworkers before leaping back into the day. Finally, at the end of the day, dinner is an occasion to come home, unwind, share stories and news from the day, and enjoy a delicious meal with family before starting again tomorrow. 

When you visit Monteverde, you’re usually traveling, and you’ll experience (or have already experienced) how each of these meals is a chance to connect with Monteverde. Under the trees, or looking out across the mountains, you can enjoy the beauty all around you as you connect with a partner, loved ones, or yourself. 

But back in the rhythm of your life daily, it can be harder to find the time for this slower pace of meals. During work, we often have to rush through breakfast and lunch, because time is precious, especially for those with families. But one practice to capture that moment of Monteverde is to put down the phone, turn off the TV, and just be present while you eat.

Even if it’s solo, taking a moment to breathe and savor food provides your body a natural reset, and helps transport you back into the rhythm of Monteverde, where the world is peaceful, the stresses of work and responsibility are put on pause, and you can simply give your body (and your mind) nourishment.



Three Principles To Live the Monteverde Lifestyle

Not everywhere you go will have the peace of Monteverde and Costa Rica. After all, there are few places on earth where nature comes so boldly to the forefront of life, and the community prioritizes wellbeing over everything else. But even in the heart of a concrete jungle, you can bring the peace of the cloud forest with you. 

You can do it by finding time to connect with nature every day, no matter how small the moment. You can find moments to savor stillness and silence, breaks from the rush of life to just exist. And you can take time to be present, whether with family or with your own thoughts, whenever you eat a meal. 

These are three small things, and you don’t have to do them every day, but if you choose to do so, they will bring you back to the peace of this cloud forest, no matter where you are.