Costa Rica’s Tree of Life- The Ocotea

Visitors to the Ocotea Boutique Hotel often ask us about our unique name, perhaps because the Ocotea Tree, from which the hotel derives its name, is more commonly known by another name.
The aguacate or avocado!
Long before the avocado family became known for its health benefits, it provided life-giving sustenance for many creatures that call our rainforests home… in fact, it is safe to say that without the Ocotea tree, the forests would cease to thrive and the biodiversity for which our country is known would be irrevocably changed.
That’s why we would like to take a moment to celebrate the Ocotea tree, by learning about the tree itself, but also the fruit that it provides… and the many ways in which both are an integral part of the Costa Rican culture.
The Ocotea Tree
From a botanical point of view, the Ocotea or avocado tree is a genus of flowering plants belonging to the Lauracaea family. This makes it one of over 500 species of flowering plants within that genus which can be found in tropical and subtropical areas of the Americas as well as the West Indies, the Caribbean, and Africa to name a few.
The fast-growing nature of the trees means that the non-fruit-baring varieties are often harvested commercially for their timber, which is also resistant to fungal decay.
The Ocotea species in particular can often be found at higher elevations within the tropical and subtropical regions, and provide both housing and nourishment for many of the local flora and fauna but this version provides a smaller, wilder fruit than what you are used to finding in grocery stores.
Trees of the lauroid variety tend to have dark green, shiny leaves and fragrant oil cells… which often account for the names given to some of the species… such as rosewood, camphorwood… and stinkwood, many of which provide essential oils. A very useful plant, bark from some species of Ocotea trees is used to treat indigestion and cough, and dried fruit cupules of the genus Ocotea quixos are used in Ecuador to flavor beverages, such as colada morada.
Avocados and Their Place in the Ecosystem
The modern avocado (of which there are several types) was first domesticated in Mesoamerica over 5000 years ago. The tree was prized for its large nutrient-rich, and unusually oily fruit, which is also sometimes known as Alligator pear or avocado pear.
The trees are hardy, self-pollinating, and can provide much-needed healthy fats for many of the forest’s creatures and humans alike. The fruit itself, like the banana, is climacteric which means it grows on the tree but ripens off the tree, allowing these someone delicate fruits to be harvested and shipped worldwide.
The wide variety of species can provide fruits that are green, brown, purplish, or black and have shapes that range from pear-shaped, to egg-shaped, or spherical. All contain one large seed or pit. Most commercial avocados come from Mexico which single-handedly produced 30% of the world’s harvest in 2020, although there is concern that these commercial avocado farms put a strain on local water resources and cause deforestation.
In contrast, the native Costa Rican plants that grow wild in many areas of the country enhance the local ecosystem in many ways, but that doesn’t mean that all species of the tree continue to flourish. In fact, the Monteverde Institute began a project designed to conserve and protect the endangered Ocotea Monteverdensis which has faced deforestation as the area around Monteverde becomes more populous.
Part of the reason for the need to reforest this native species of Ocotea is that it plays an important role in the ecosystem, particularly during periods when it produces large amounts of wild avocado fruit. These fruits attract and feed large numbers of bird species, which means that the endangered nature of the tree is a contributing factor to the endangered nature of species like the three-wattled-bellbird and the quetzal.
To read more about the many species of birds that rely on the Ocotea tree, click here.
As with most ecosystems, the delicate balance can be upset in many ways, and the ensuing domino effect can cause a lot of problems. This is just one example, because if the trees become extinct, leading to the extinction of several species of birds, then any creatures further up the food chain who may rely on the birds as a food source will also be in danger.
To learn more about the interconnected nature of forests and their ecosystems, check out this post.
So what animals eat avocados, you ask? Here are a few:
Mice and rats
While not all of these animals are native to Costa Rica, it’s easy to see why it is such an important part of the local ecosystems.
It’s important to note, however, that some animals, like cats and dogs, can’t safely eat avocado.
The Health Gifts of Avocado
And the avocado isn’t just a staple for animals! There are many reasons to add this amazing superfood to your diet as well, and here are just a few.
Rich in Nutrients- vitamins C, E, K, and B6 are just a few of the nutrients that can be found in avocados (Vitamin K promotes bone health and can help prevent osteoporosis)
Ongoing studies suggest that they contain compounds that may prevent the onset of some cancers
They contain folates which reduce the risk of miscarriage and contribute to fetal health. Studies suggest that folate can also increase the circulation of hormones such as serotonin to the brain, thus reducing the risk of depression
They are high in fiber which aids in healthy digestion, promotes good gut health, and acts as a natural detoxifier
Avocado oil has antimicrobial properties which can help defend the body against certain infections.
Between the monosaturated fatty acids and the fiber content, avocados may protect from chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, stroke, hypertension, diabetes, obesity, gastrointestinal diseases, high blood pressure and cholesterol, and insulin sensitivity.
Wow, how’s that for a healthy fruit?! To find out more amazing health benefits of the avocado, here is the full article.
Delicious Avocados
Just thinking about these delicious and nutritious fruits is enough to make you hungry I’m sure, and Ocotea’s Nectandra Restaurant makes it easy and delicious to add avocados to your diet! The Hass variety that we eat aren’t quite the same as the wild variety enjoyed by so many of Costa Rica’s creatures, but it is just as healthy as it’s wild cousin.
Obviously, this is also a really versatile fruit that can be eaten fresh off the tree, as a sauce, salsa, mixed into your favorite salad, or as a topping for tacos, but we recommend a breakfast favorite, shown below.
Prosciutto or serrano, avocado, and lettuce on a delicious bagel. What a delectable way to start your day, and a wonderful way to take advantage of all those amazing health benefits! Click this link to find more ways to enjoy avocados at home.
Our Ocotea Tree
Obviously, the Ocotea tree holds a special place in our hearts, and we are honored to share our name with such an important source of life and health. Taking the time to teach our guests about the Ocotea’s cultural and dietary significance is one small way for us to spread that love.
We hope that our guests enjoy the delicious menu options that we offer, but also the shade that our own Ocotea tree provides, and the many fascinating creatures that it attracts as they wander our gardens or soak in the peace from a quiet bench.
It is our hope that as people come to better understand the natural world and the interconnected nature of its ecosystems, the more they will learn that every species is essential and the world is a better, stronger planet when we protect every creature… and every tree… so that the live-giving Ocotea tree continues to thrive and support the many animals which rely upon it.
And also so that our children’s children will also be able to enjoy its shade, its many fascinating creatures, and the delicious fruit provided by cousins of our Ocotea Monteverdensis.
To visit us at the Ocotea Boutique Hotel and explore the interconnected world of Monteverde, click here.