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The Power of Stillness: The Magic of Ocotea Boutique Hotel

Ocotea Boutique Hotel

While it is not my habit to write these posts from a personal place, this post is a little bit special. I recently had a bit of an epiphany, and it happened while seated in a big comfortable chair, early in the morning, in Ocotea’s back garden.

The experience made me think. At first about the assumptions that many hotels make, and then my mind wandered into a more reflective mode and I learned something about myself that may apply to many of us. Hence the need to share. Let me explain.

I consider myself to be a rather calm, thoughtful person who at 51 understands that the best parts of life are simple, memorable, and most often shared with loved ones. I am also someone who enjoys time spent in nature, and the sound of silence — but I am, nevertheless, seldom still.

Until recently I would have said that I am incapable of stillness, at least for more than the time it takes to Shavasana at the end of my yoga practice. I can SIT still, but my hands need to be busy and my mind is always active.


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A Moment of Peace

On the morning in question, a group of friends and I were preparing to hike Montverde’s Cloud Forest with Ocotea Tours, and I had arrived for breakfast earlier than the rest. So I went out to the space behind Nectandra, found a comfy chair, and sat.

Ocotea Boutique Hotel

The area is beautiful, shaded by a large tree, surrounded by colourful large leaves, and largely silent. Since there was nothing to do but wait, and I wasn’t really awake yet, I settled into my chair and looked around me. I gazed at the different plants, I watched the birds flit from branch to branch. I noticed the sound of the wind whispering by. I closed my eyes and felt the sunlight on my face, and I just soaked it all in.

Before I knew it, a half hour had passed and my friends were all gathered at the table ordering breakfast (which was phenomenal, by the way). It was the first time — perhaps since childhood — that I had been content to do nothing for any period of time, and the realization stunned me.

So then I started to wonder about the why… and the how. Why do I seldom sit still? How was it so easy here, today?

My first thought was about external influences. In other words, what did the Ocotea Boutique Hotel have that was so special? The space is decorated in a calm, soothing way. Natural surfaces, smooth neutral colors, and shapes. The garden, as I said, is lovely, hidden behind the building in a corner that feels sheltered and private. Was that all it took? Eventually, I realized another difference.

Ocotea Boutique Hotel

While many places I have been to feel the need to provide all sorts of distractions in case the guests get bored- Ocotea does not. Perhaps it was this lack of other options that forced me into stillness. Then I thought about what I normally do when I’m sitting and waiting. 

Wander the room, watch TV, and check my phone… all things that keep my mind and my hands occupied but don’t provide anything of substance. Perhaps I never experience stillness simply because there is always too much going on. I don’t know.

Something New in a Busy World

What I do know is that was one of the most pleasant half-hour periods that I have enjoyed in a long time. When it was over and I opened my eyes and looked around, I realized that life was going on around me… but I didn’t feel like I had been left behind, or that I was missing something. I simply felt calm and at peace.

Maybe that is part of the magic of Ocotea. The owners, Karen and Valeria, understand something that many of us may not, and they are — very subtly — helping us learn by providing us the opportunity to simply be, in a space that is calm, beautiful, and safe.

I spoke to my friends about the experience, and as I did, I saw Karen’s knowing smile. Perhaps it comes from growing up in a culture that values stillness and time in nature more. And by that, I don’t mean that North Americans like myself don’t appreciate the beauty around us. I mean that the hustle and bustle of everyday life mean that we glance at the sunset as we drive by and comment on its colors- but we seldom stop to sit and watch.

We see pictures or video clips of animals that make us smile or laugh, but it lasts a minute and then we move on. It makes me wonder if the power of stillness doesn’t come from physical stillness, but more from a willingness to be in the moment, and to savor that moment's importance.

As someone who has recently learned, or remembered, how enjoyable it can be to feel part of the world around me for a little while — with no expectations, no responsibilities, and no schedule, I say to you that there are many lovely hotels in Monteverde, and fabulous scenery is everywhere. But I feel as if I have learned a very important lesson. I also feel that I never would have, without Karen’s simple understanding of human nature, and how much enjoyment can be had from the most simple of experiences.

Ocotea Boutique Hotel


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A Joy We Hope to Share!

That, my friends, is the magic of Ocotea in a nutshell. It has grown from a wish to share the essence of — not only Monteverde — but of the pura vida lifestyle Costa Rica enjoys. It was created and designed from a place of love and understanding, and it is… magic. There really is no other word for it.

I hope you get to experience it for yourself someday. To do that, you can head to their website here.

You can also reach them through email at or by phone within Costa Rica at +506 4002-2599 or internationally (toll-free) at 1-833-401-3099.


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