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5 Small Tips to Improve Your Monteverde Trip

Monteverde Costa Rica

Heading out to visit a new place is always an adventure. With the right amount of planning, it can be a wonderful experience… or not. There are always things you can’t control, like delayed flights or flat tires, that can keep things from running as smoothly as they might have… but we aren’t going to focus on those. We’re going to focus on the many small things that can take a wonderful vacation and make it even better… and some of them may surprise you. Let's start with the thing we all do before our vacation even begins. The planning stage.


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1. Leave Time to Just Be On Vacation

While doing research and reading reviews can help ensure that book the best hotel and the most reliable tour guides (like the professionals at Ocoteas Tours), and pre-booking those tours can allow you to relax and focus on enjoying your trip, there is one common mistake that people make when planning their trip.

And that is not leaving enough time to just relax. We’ve all been guilty of this one, especially in a destination, like Monteverde, which has so many things to do and see. It’s hard to narrow it down and you end up with a schedule that requires a mathematician to organize.

It may seem a little obvious, but we all need a little bit of downtime, and a jam-packed holiday can leave you more tired, not less, which defeats the purpose. Plus, if you are well-rested, you will be so much more able to enjoy and appreciate the tours and activities that you experience during your trip, and you will be more likely to go home relaxed, rested, and with happy memories.

Monteverde Costa Rica

This brings us nicely to tip number two.

2.  Take a Moment to Be in the Moment

As the years go by and we realize as a society how much our busy schedules and stressful careers affect our health and happiness, we start to look for ways to get more out of our lives.

 One of those ways is to ‘live in the moment’, it’s a pretty common phrase, but what does it really mean? Is it just a reminder to look up from your screen once in a while? To pay attention to what's going on around you? Find enjoyment in the little things?

Of course, the answer to all of those questions is YES, but there is one thing that has become a habit for most of us, and that we don’t even realize is impeding our ability to ‘be in the moment’, even when we are paying attention and actively enjoying the world around us.

What is it, you ask? You might be surprised to know that it is the act of using our phones as a camera. Yup, that’s right. Even though phones these days are equipped with some truly impressive technology, and take amazing photos, carrying them along with you to snap photos can create an environment where you view your whole vacation through the screen of your phone, and you don’t actually experience it directly.

Monteverde Costa Rica

Believe it or not, that small degree of separation not only narrows your focus so you don’t enjoy the breadth and wonder of the world around you… but studies show that our tendency to experience things from one ‘photo-worthy’ item to the next keeps our brains from properly processing and storing the information.

What does that mean? It means we don’t remember the experience in the same way that we do if we are seeing it directly and taking it in with all of our senses. Click here for a more technical explanation of what scientists have dubbed the “photo-taking impairment effect.”

It turns out that leaving your phone in your pocket/purse and using a good old-fashioned camera is still the best way to immortalize that perfect moment, on film and in our memories.


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3. Step Out of Your Comfort Zone

We all have things that part of us wants to do, and part of us is terrified of… like ziplining or getting up close and personal with a wild animal, and Monteverde is the perfect place to take the leap and try something new. 

Monteverde Costa Rica

Why? Because the men and women who choose to spend their lives introducing visitors to the wonders of their world do so because it’s their passion. Being a guide here is a serious profession that requires years of training. You won’t be left in the hands of a 16-year-old on their summer job. 

The guides and professionals who depend on tourism for their living know the value of good service, and they come with years of experience and knowledge that you can depend on. They want you to have the best possible vacation and will show you the right way to enjoy their home and all the creatures in it.

What’s life without a little adventure?  Take a chance and gently step out of your comfort zone in a safe environment, and you will create memories that you can carry with you for a lifetime.

4. Be Curious

I can’t stress enough, and you may not believe me until you experience it anyhow, that the people of Costa Rica are truly the country’s greatest asset. 

Thanks to a decision made back in 1949, the country has no military, and the money that would normally be used to supply and staff a military force was put to good use by improving the educational system, and by creating a socialized medical system. That, in turn, has created a population of healthy, happy people with warm, welcoming attitudes, and a love of life.

It has also led to the pura vida lifestyle that I love to talk about. There are so many interesting people, skilled artisans, and knowledgeable guides that you can talk to. So go ahead and ask questions. 

Monteverde Costa Rica

Find out the story behind that interesting gallery, ask the artisan what kind of loom they use, or the street vendor how they get the pipa frias (chilled coconuts) out of the tree. Ask the guy at the feria what that strange fruit is (or click here and see what I learned when I asked), ask the server what their favorite dish is- and then try it. The world is full of amazing things and complex interactions that you might never suspect, and something as simple as asking “why” can open your eyes to a whole new world. A world that might never be discovered without speaking to that artisan, or making use of your tour guide's vast stores of knowledge.

Go forth and explore! You never know what you will learn!


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5. Breathe!

And last but not least, breathe. Put away your laptop… that email will still be there when you get home.  Find yourself a peaceful spot and a comfortable position and just… be. Close your eyes and let the incredible variety of bird calls, chirps, and clicks soothe you. 

This is Monteverde, a truly unique place in one of the most biodiverse places on the planet. Why not give yourself time to soak it all in and experience it in a truly personal and restful way, one that’s as easy as incorporating some mindful practices into your vacation routine?

You don’t need to know yoga, (although if you do, go for it!) You don’t need any special equipment. Sometimes all it takes to create those special memories is the chance to truly experience them in a relaxed and unhurried way.

Monteverde Costa Rica

It sounds so simple. In fact, all of these tips are quite simple and easy to do. All it takes is a little intention, maybe a change of mindset, to give yourself the best possible holiday in a truly spectacular place.

Give it a try, and please… let us know about your experience. We would love to hear about the very best moments in your Costa Rican vacation. If you would like to spend that vacation enjoying the benefits and experience that the Ocotea Boutique Hotel and its sister company Ocotea Tours can provide, click here, we are happy to help!


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