A Misty Morning in the Clouds

It’s an honor to be able to share the stories and experiences of those who have come to stay with us in the Ocotea Boutique Hotel. Today, our guest writer Joy Detlor explores her own “Misty Morning in the Clouds.”
Sunlight and Comfort
There are days when life is just… perfection, and every moment stands in your memory for years to come. Such was the morning that I spent at the Ocotea Boutique Hotel. An experience like that needs to be shared to be appreciated, and so that’s what I would like to do today.
I awoke to the sound of birds outside the window, and light trying valiantly to peek around the drawn curtains, but the bed was soft and warm and I wasn’t yet ready to rise, so I laid in bed for a while longer trying to identify the sounds that drifted in. One of the things that continually amazes me about Monteverde is the assortment of sounds that surround me throughout the day.
A part of my brain is continually hoping to identify all the cheeps and chirps and hums and thrums, but the sheer variety of living things means I really don’t have any hope of doing so with my limited knowledge. As my ears focused on what was happening outside, my eyes wandered the room, noticing all the little details that my tired mind hadn’t seen the night before.
The play of light and shadow, even in the dimness, between the smooth white walls and the raised wooden slats that were both decorative and useful, with metal hangers added to serve as a place to hang my clothing. The clever way the designer incorporated the natural elements into the space so that the outdoors seemed to flow in and blend. As the light grew stronger, the woven wicker of the light above me became visible, both earthy and delicate.
Still, in the back of my mind, all those curious noises were calling to me. I decided that climbing out of bed to look is worth leaving the warmth of smooth sheets and fluffy comforter.
The Tree
My room sits above the front garden where a large leafy tree dominates the view. Its branches abound with greenery of all sorts, some belonging to the tree itself, some simply existing in the crook of a branch or dangling from a limb. Air plants, orchids, and fern-like things that I can’t identify attract winged animals for shelter or sustenance. I can see the colorful flash of hummingbirds and my vivid imagination fills in the hum that I cannot hear.
A large blue morphos butterfly lumbers by. They are my favorite with their beautiful blue wings and strange floppy motion. I pull open the curtains and slide open the door. The sound increases. I walk out to lean on the railing and peer into the branches. Colorful birds, muted ones, flashes of pink and purple orchids, and a tiny green gecko hiding against the bark. So much going on in one tree, it’s bewildering and comforting all at the same time.
Sometimes we forget how many living things we share our planet with. A visit to Monteverde is a vivid and visceral reminder that both humbles and excites me. It reminds me that I’m only one small part of a great big world, and puts my first-world problems firmly in their place. It also reminds me that I am wasting time that could be spent outside exploring.
I wasted a little more time indulging myself with the rich, scented shampoos and soaps in the shower, before getting dressed and heading down to Nectandra for breakfast. The doors are flung open and the shaded back garden beckons, so I wander straight through and settle into a comfortable white chair for a few minutes, soaking in the scents of freshly washed earth and green things.
A server appears at my elbow with a smile asking if I’d like a coffee. Feeling decadent, I order a latte and settle in to enjoy the view while I wait. When it arrives, I lower my nose to a spot just above the foam and breathe deeply of the rich aroma. I do love Costa Rican coffee, strong and earthy but not bitter.
I sip the drink cradled between my hands and plan my day. Last night was spent in the dark moist world of the cloud forest, wandering the pathways by flashlight while the rain trickled down from branch to branch around me, and the guide quietly pointed out the nocturnal creatures that make the park their home.
I had arrived back at the hotel in a quiet mood, feeling awed by the rather otherworldly experience, and had wandered up to the rooftop bar to enjoy a cocktail and gaze at the vast dark sky and the mass of twinkling stars so vivid against the black. In the city, you so seldom notice the stars, but here they are impossible to ignore, especially when the room features a solarium-like wall of glass.
Now that the sun was up I was eager to see what the forest is like during the day. I ordered my breakfast from a menu that included every possible delight, finally settling on the tropical bowl which was fruit puree with granola and fruit that made me feel healthy and indulgent at the same time. I worked my way through it happily identifying each new and unique flavor as I went.
A Misty Morning
Several hours later, tired but happy, I climbed out of the van, shouldered my backpack, and thanked the friendly driver. Morning in the forest had started out cool and misty, in some parts it seemed as if we walked through the clouds, and I suppose that is how the name came about. Now, however, the sun was high and I had shed my jacket and poncho. It had rained for a while in the woods, but in the end, I hadn’t used the poncho that had been provided for very long.
The huge spreading branches and thick leaves of the canopy above had sheltered me from most of the rain, and the bits that had trickled down, rather musically, were cool and refreshing, not at all like the cold rain from home. I thoroughly enjoyed learning about life in the forest, about how every living organism from lichen to jaguars and everything in between depends on each other to thrive. How they each play an essential part in the ecosystem. It changes your perspective when you understand that fact, and you feel a need to contribute, to find your place in this world and make it better.
I walked slowly back to my room, planning on another shower followed by a visit to the rooftop for an afternoon of relaxation and maybe a game of cards with new friends I had made on today’s hike. I wonder perhaps if that is what I have been missing lately. The simple human interaction that was part of life before the pandemic and that we lost along the way.
Perhaps that is the lesson I will take with me when I leave this amazing place. That we are social beings in an interconnected world. We aren’t meant to exist alone and separate from the world around us. We are meant to support it, as it supports us. I make a vow to myself that I will carry that knowledge with me from here on out as I head upstairs to the quiet comfort of my room.
A Thank You to Joy!
If you have stories of your visit to the Ocotea Boutique Hotel, please let us know, and we’d be happy to share your stories!
And if you would like to experience the peace and comfort of the Ocotea Boutique Hotel for yourself, simply click this link and let the friendly English-speaking staff guide you to their door.