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Mountain Metropolis

Monteverde Costa Rica

There is something special about small-town life. Especially when the town in question sits amongst the lush green backdrop of tropical forests high in the hills, and when the views stretch for miles in every direction. 

Beautiful surroundings do so much for our mental well-being, as does fresh air and time spent in nature. (to learn more, visit our post on The Hard Science behind Appreciating Nature) The sound of the breeze ruffling the leaves, the warmth of the sun on our faces, the smell of green, growing things — they all just naturally lift our spirits. 

But when you talk to the people who come to visit, and stay, in Monteverde, that’s not the only factor that appeals to them, far from it. Life here is unique and inspiring on so many levels, and I believe that the sense of completeness and peace that our guests feel while they are staying at the Ocotea Boutique Hotel is thanks to a magical combination of circumstances that you can find in very few places.

Let’s try to break it down a little further because that sort of magic should be shared. After all, if we all returned from vacation refreshed and full of positive energy, just think of what we could accomplish.

The best way to understand the appeal and the power of our little slice of heaven is to experience it for yourself, but in the meantime, you can use my eyes and my experiences through a little bit of vicarious vacationing if you will… 

As we go, I hope you can see how life in Monteverde is a magic potion made up of undulating vistas, fresh air, sunshine, lush green, the music of creatures big and small, social dynamics, culture, community responsibility, and love. Love for the world around us and of all living things.

To do that, let's look at a typical day, high in the mountains where the clouds hang low and the air is an elixir you can’t help but breathe deeply.


Where is everything in Monteverde CTA


Morning in the Mountains

For many, the idea of sleeping in is part and parcel of their vacation, but my experience has always been that the sound of nature waking up is too intriguing to ignore. I once heard a local say that long ago all creatures rose with the sun and sang to welcome its rising and setting. He went on to say that only the birds still remember, and that is why every morning begins with the varied chirps and squawks and trills of so many birds. No matter how comfortable my bed is, those sounds pique my curiosity and I always end up throwing back the covers and opening the curtains to see what brightly colored bird is singing so joyfully.

One of the unique features of a town like Monteverde is that the geography of the mountains controls the layout of the town. Houses are perched on hilltops, or nestled in valleys, clinging to hillsides or lining the deep channels of fast-flowing rivers… and in between the houses and hotels and stores… there is green. So much green. Towering trees full of life, with dangling vines that reach for the soil and colorful orchids, tucked into the crotch of branches far overhead. Thick grasses grow wherever the sun reaches the ground and spiky plants that thrive in the shade fill in the spaces between. 

The jungle is ever-growing, always adapting, and it is allowed to thrive. In my hometown, the flattest, most even lawn was something to thrive for and every other living thing was ripped from the soil and discarded. Flower gardens were carefully curated with matching colors and controlled to ensure maximum visual appeal. Not so here, here we are simply observers who marvel at the variety and the colors and appreciate the tenacity of life which seeks out any crack or crevice.

Selva Tropical

It is this immersion in nature that lends to the feeling of oneness visitors feel. We aren’t simply living near the mountains and jungles… they surround us and embrace us, and all of the life that exists in those spaces are in full view, like a living breathing kaleidoscope.

It is impossible not to become enthralled. You find yourself grabbing your cup of delicious local coffee and sitting outside where you can simply watch the world go by, and this constant living presence doesn’t end there. Every road winds around and through — mountains and valleys, rushing rivers, and hidden waterfalls. One moment the road lies between two steep hills covered in greenery and then you turn a corner to find a wide-open vista that stretches to the Pacific Ocean which sparkles in the sun way below. Every drive is an adventure. Every walk is a nature tour. It gives one a sense of inclusion and involvement in nature that those flat lawns and manicured gardens never could.


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Part of the Crowd

And somehow that feeling spreads. You find yourself smiling at the people you meet, pointing out the lovely bird perched in the branches, or laughing together at the monkeys that gaze back at you from the tree next to the cafe where you are having lunch. There is something about the wonder of that living kaleidoscope that makes us forget our differences, and simply accept our shared existence without tension or awkwardness. We are all part of the same world, the same tribe. We all rely on this earth and we all belong to it and that feeling permeates this place.

It is there in the child who runs, laughing, to chase the chip bag which blew away and put it in the garbage bin. It is evident in the way we walk past the grocery store to wander the market, sniffing fruit picked fresh that morning and discussing the weather with the vendors. Life somehow slows down and settles into a pace that matches the environment around us. 

The TikTok video on your phone can’t compete with what's happening a few feet away when a family of coatimundi waddle across the road and traffic stops to let them pass. You find yourself chatting with a stranger about the experiences you have had, sharing stories and laughter freely and easily, because when you take away the fast-paced, structured world that we have left behind us, you find instead that 

little day-to-day adventures contain their own special magic.

Monteverde Costa Rica

Experiencing the Local Culture

For those of us that come from very different cultural backgrounds, coming to Costa Rica is like landing on a different planet, and that change of scene is often the motivation behind traveling. Learning about and from people of different cultures broadens our horizons, helps us look at things with a new perspective, and allows us to appreciate different ways of thinking. With this in mind, we may book a tour that will allow us to experience something of Costa Rican culture. Like a visit to one of the indigenous tribes. 

We look forward to seeing something new, learning a new part of history, and learning a different way of doing something … but we don’t always get what we expect… and I meant that in an entirely positive way.

Costa Rican culture isn’t something you can just watch, like walking through a museum where everything is behind glass. This culture is open and welcoming, it is expressive and exuberant and it pulls you in. Before you realize it, you are involved in the energy, whether it is tapping your foot to the beat of the music or smiling at children who are running past. These people don’t want to just show you. They want to include you. The Costa Rican sense of community doesn’t end with their family and friends, it reaches outwards giving warmth and welcome to all who arrive and it accepts your differences. 

Monteverde Costa Rica

Knowledge is freely given, as is assistance because these small communities work together to thrive, and while they are happy to receive your tourist dollar (it feeds their families after all), you will find very little in terms of commercialism. What you will find are hard-working people who are proud of their heritage and their surroundings, and who are confident in their skills. People who smile as they share their history and their culture, and who truly want to enrich the world with their stories and their products.


The Monteverde Experiences


A World Worth Conserving

We often hear about the need for conservation, and we appreciate the determination and skill that goes into conserving the living legacy that is Monteverde’s forests. We understand, at least to some degree, the part this country’s biodiversity plays in the health of our planet.

The focus is often on sustainability and natural conservation, but that isn’t the only thing worth conserving. Perhaps we need to experience the subtle, quiet magic of this place and these people before we truly begin to see how life in this mountain metropolis can affect our sense of oneness, our happiness, and our personal well-being because that is just as important.

Monteverde Costa Rica

Once you reach that state of calm, you never want to go back. You want to hold on to that feeling and you naturally start looking for ways to recreate the experience in your day-to-day life. The good news is that you can find your zen anywhere.

All it really takes is a conscious effort to live a bit more in the moment. To appreciate the beauty of nature and spend time in it, and to understand how a personal connection with others and the simplest of interactions can brighten your day. By learning to make time for the little things, you are taking a little piece of paradise home with you to live in your heart- until next time.

To learn how you can experience our mountain metropolis, just click this link and speak to one of the helpful staff at the Ocotea Boutique Hotel.


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