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The Drew Barrymore Show with some high praise for Costa Rica!

The Drew Barrymore Show with some high praise for Costa Rica

Costa Rica was featured prominently on a recent episode of The Drew Barrymore Show  The actress showcased the natural beauty of Costa Rica during the premiere week of what has become one of  CBS' most popular talk and entertainment shows.


Grassroots and Sustainability as National Values

With a huge image of the Arenal Volcano at the back of the stage, Drew introduced Krystal Frame in her show. 

Ms. Frame is a young activist who has dedicated her time and efforts to creating a sustainable environment through a series of efforts. She has been recognized as an “environmental justice advocate” for her enthusiasm for nature conservation and network development. These actions align perfectly with Costa Rica’s tourism model. 

During the pandemic, Ms. Frame founded Sustain Frame, a commercial enterprise to unfold environmental and weather consciousness through partnering with small companies’ proprietors and developing network services.


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For instance, during the Texas freeze of 2022, she partnered with a restaurant from Austin to put together food for more than a thousand people. 

After she introduced Krystal, Mrs. Barrymore talked about how Frame’s values aligned with another favorite destination — Costa Rica, whose sustainable drive and community spirit are present everywhere: 

“A place that I’ve actually traveled to, and I really love, is Costa Rica, and I was amazed by how sustainable and forward-thinking everywhere I went was.” And then she went on saying: Everything is eco-minded, and it just blew my mind, so we’ve partnered with Visit Costa Rica, and in honor of the work that you’ve been doing, we are sending you (Krystal) in an all-expenses-paid trip for two to Costa Rica. 

It’s really an amazing place where you go, and it just seems like what the future should look like and how it should function.“


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Welcoming All Who Share The Mentality

Barrymore’s team followed off by distributing stuffed sloth toys, and both Ms. Frame and a randomly selected woman in the audience received an all-expense paid trip to Costa Rica

The country's appearance in this episode is part of the initiative of The Costa Rican Tourism Board (ICT)  marketing and advertising activities in the USA, Canada, and Europe.

“From the marketing area, we constantly devise actions that allow us to connect with the best prospects or tourists with high interest in traveling to our country. What better way to do it than in a space like The Drew Barrymore Show, where the hostess also shared her own positive experience enjoying our natural beauties” during a vacation several years ago, said Carolina Trejos, Marketing Director of the ICT.


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Costa Rica’s presence as a travel vacation spot on The Drew Barrymore Show is a part of the strategic actions that the ICT has devised within the United States to promote Costa Rica as a vacation and investment destination. 

But it’s more than that. In many ways, Costa Rica is spreading the word about a different way to live, one that is healthier, happier, and more connected with our local communities.

For us at Ocotea Boutique Hotel to see Costa Rica recognized in international programs and praised for its magnificent beauty and nature is simply amazing. Mainly because we know for a fact that it goes beyond advertising. Conservation and sustainability is a way of life in Costa Rica, in Monteverde, and in all Costa Ricans' life, and we’re happy to welcome anyone who wants to visit, or feels the same way!


Ileana Fernandez. "Drew Barrymore Praised Costa Rica on Her Show." The Tico Times | Costa Rica News | Travel | Real Estate. 17 Sept. 2022. Web. 22 Sept. 2022. <>


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