Costa Rica: Ecotourism for the Conscious Traveler
If you’re on this page, chances are you’ve done a google search of Costa Rica. Were you surprised to see all the information about eco-tourism and sustainability pop up? You shouldn’t be.
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If you’re on this page, chances are you’ve done a google search of Costa Rica. Were you surprised to see all the information about eco-tourism and sustainability pop up? You shouldn’t be.
Every single morning a tap on the window wakes me up. Tap, tap, tap... Tap, tap, tap. A Social Flycatcher (Myiozetetes similis) discovered that there are (probably) dozens of tiny mosquitoes around the windows of my bedroom.
250 North from Banco de
Costa Rica, Sapo Dorado
Neighborhood, Cerro
Plano, Monteverde.
Daily from 6AM to 10PM
+506 40022599