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Nature (3)

Monteverde Costa Rica

Why Do We Protect Nature?

A few days ago, talking to a friend, he was saying how indispensable his smartwatch was becoming in his life. From my side, with a different lifestyle and living in Monteverde, I told him I didn't have a watch since a long time ago, nor a clock anywhere in my house. I guess the phone clock is enough for me.

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Birdwatching in Monteverde

Every single morning a tap on the window wakes me up. Tap, tap, tap... Tap, tap, tap.  A Social Flycatcher (Myiozetetes similis) discovered that there are (probably) dozens of tiny mosquitoes around the windows of my bedroom. 

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250 North from Banco de
Costa Rica, Sapo Dorado
Neighborhood, Cerro
Plano, Monteverde.

Daily from 6AM to 10PM
+506 40022599